What a fun family session on a gorgeous New England day! What personalities on these little munchkins! They certainly kept me on my toes, and laughing throughout the session!
I have had the pleasure of working with this sweet family once before and getting to know mom through Facebook over the last 2 years. This passed year I followed her third pregnancy on Facebook, all the posts that reminded me of when I carried my babies. Posts about ice cream cravings and being ready to pop. The posts towards the end when you just keep waiting to see the one that say's the baby is here.
Just four months ago one of those post pop up that takes your breath away. Instead of announcing the birth of their daughter, they had to announce to the world that they lost their sweet baby girl. Born still for really no reason after a perfectly wonderful, healthy pregnancy. A post where your eyes fill up and your heart breaks and you just have to stop whatever you are doing.
In the time since their devastating loss, I have seen such inspirational posts from a beautiful mom who refuses to let the world forget that her angel baby was in fact here on this earth and will always be a part of their family. Having to deal with such a life changing event as adults is hard enough but it also had to be explained to their 2 small children who were excited about having a new baby sister. I have been nothing but inspired by how she is keeping Lainey Nora alive in everyone's hearts, including mine.
During our session the kids happily toted around "Lainey Bear" and telling me all about their sister. My heart was exploding knowing that these beautiful children will always remember that they do have a sister that is always with them.
Mom gave me permission to share a post from her Facebook page this morning. I hope you take the time to read it and it makes you stop and appreciate all you have in your world and that it inspires you as it did me......
"It’s crazy to think how four months have gone by so quickly. It went from the heat of summer to the cold and the colors of fall in a blink of an eye. It’s crazy how my day to day life hasn’t really changed. I’m still getting the kids ready for school, bringing them to activities, the four of us still have dinner together every night. I still use “the four of us” because even though we’re five, you’re not here with us physically and it just comes out. And it's weird. I know that you’re with us in whatever we do and wherever we go. We bring Lainey Bear to all the important stuff, but usually it’s the four of us. I try and include you throughout my day wherever I can - instead of my name, I give yours at Starbucks, I talk to you all the time, I wear your initial on my neck, and the jewelry people gave me to remember you. I still catch my breath when I see an adorable outfit that I can’t buy for you. I still stumble when people ask how many children I have, and I dread the thought of running into people I haven’t talked to yet. But my everyday life hasn’t changed that much, even though it’s been picked up, shaken around and put back together completely differently. I try and focus on the good you bring to my life instead of being sad that you’re not here. I pray more. I notice sunsets more and the colors of the clouds. I know when you’re with me or when you help me with something. I focus on trying to be a good parent to Aislyn and Liam instead of getting annoyed when it becomes too much. I try and remember to be patient when we’re leaving the house because I’ll never get to bring you to school or run you around to 150 different activities. I try and give gentle reminders to them instead of yelling because I won’t be able to pick up all your clothes and toys all over the house. I try to not get annoyed that there are clothes and toys and markers spread throughout the house all the time. I try and make them eat fruits and veggies instead of mac and cheese every night, because I can’t make homemade baby food and freeze it in ice cube trays for you, like I did for them. I am trying to be a better person because of you and for you.
So even though you’re not here, you are with me every minute of every day, and I thank God that he allowed you to stop by and remind me of what's important. I love you."
Tara Starr Photography specializes in creating timeless art pieces by providing customized Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Child, Family, Senior, Engagement and First Communion Portrait Sessions.
Wedding Packages are also available.